书讯一 书 名:冰花诗选 作 者:冰 花 翻 译:徐英才 出版社:芝加哥学术出版社 时 间:2019年8月 Book News 1 Title: Selected Poems of Bing Hua Author: Bing Hua Translator: Xu Yingcai Publisher: Chicago Academic Press Date Published: August 2019 |
美国知名华裔女诗人冰花的汉英双语诗集《冰花诗选》(Selected Poems of Bing Hua)精选了她在过去30多年间创作的代表诗歌80首。该诗集记录了她对两性情感和人生的透彻感悟, 讴歌了情感之美和生命之美。 本书由翻译家及诗人徐英才翻译。他的译文准确、传神、浑然,在翻译界广受称赞,深受很多高校英语师生的喜爱。 全书以清纯、自然、 真挚的笔调, 诠释了女性的情感和对人生的哲思。一首首发自心灵的精美诗篇, 如泣如诉如歌, 飘着沁人心脾的芳香 。 把人间的复杂情感融入大自然, 以大自然物象来准确地抒发人类的美好情感,是冰花诗歌的主要特色, 她的诗歌有着震撼心灵的独特魔力。 冰花的诗歌赢得了海内外读者的喜爱,她也因此被评论家和网民誉为“情诗皇后“、“诗坛玫瑰” 等等, “冰花现象”和她的《冰花诗选》将成为研究海外华文文学的珍贵资料。徐英才先生的精致翻译,为中华优秀诗歌走向世界文学迈出了重要的一步。 冰花曾获首届“梁祝杯”全球华语爱情诗大赛金奖, 第31届世界诗人大会“相信爱情(Belief in Love)”奖等。冰花现居马里兰州,是一家私人会计事务所的会计师。 翻译家徐英才,原上海复旦大学英浯教师,在复旦任职十多年,曾于1984年被派往加拿大麦克马斯特大学授课并研读加拿大文学。1990年代初赴美国德堡大学留学,研读英美文学,毕业后留校工作。目前教学课程包括"汉英英汉翻译实践与理论"、"中国书法实践与理论"、"中国电影史"、"中国当代文学"等。已出版的译著有《英译唐宋八大家散文精选》、《英译中国当代美文选》、《经典散文英译》等。 |
Bing Hua is a renowned Chinese-American woman poet. Her Chinese and English bilingual poetry collection Selected Poems of Bing Hua has now come off the press. This collection carries 80 of her most representative poems written over the past 30 years. These carefully chosen poems have recorded her profound understanding of life and passion and have also eulogized the beauty of life and the beauty of passion. The book is translated by Xu Yingcai, a person dually skilled at translation and poetry, whose translation is characterized by accuracy, individuality, and coherence. He is widely acknowledged in the field of translation and liked by many university teachers and students. With a pure, natural, and sincere tone, the book has conveyed feminine feelings and philosophical thought about life. Each poem is written from the deep recess of her heart, tinged with exquisite beauty, chanting with heart-throbbing impact, and emitting ambrosial fragrance. The main feature of Bing Hua’s poetry is the ability to integrate the complex feelings of the world into nature and accurately express the beautiful human feelings through the images of nature. Her poems possess the unique power that impacts the souls of the readers. Bing Hua's poetry has won the love of readers both at home and abroad. She is thus named by critics and netizens as "The Queen of Love Poetry", "A Rose in the Poetry World," etc." Bing Hua’s phenomenon" and her poetry collection Selected Poems of Bing Hua will be valuable materials for the study of overseas Chinese literature. And Mr. Xu Yingcai's exact translation has advanced on the road of the world literature an important step for excellent Chinese poetry. Bing Hua won the Gold Award in the first "Liang Zhu Butterfly Cup" for the Global Chinese Love Poetry Competition, the award in the 31st World Poet Congress "Belief in Love," etc. Bing Hua, who now lives in Maryland, is an accountant at a private accounting firm. Mr. Xu Yingcai, a former English teacher at Fudan University in Shanghai for more than ten years, was sent as an exchange scholar to McMaster University in Canada in 1984 to teach Chinese literature and study Canadian literature. In the early 1990s, he went to DePaul University in the United States to study English and American literature, and after graduation, he started to work in the university. His current teaching list includes "Practice and Theory of Chinese-English and English-Chinese Translation", "Practice and Theory of Chinese Calligraphy", "The History of Chinese Film," "Modern Chinese Literature," etc. His publication list includes A Selection from the Eight Great Prose Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, Selected Works of Contemporary Chinese Prose, Selected Works of Classical Chinese Prose, etc. 张琼译/Translated by Zhang Qiong |