

赵仁方,北美中文作家协会终生会员,曾为贵州外国文学研究会,翻译协会与外语学会会员,擅长中英文写作。作为资深传媒人与专栏作家,参与翻译并出版了多部译著或著作,至今发表了近百万字的作品,其中包括纪实、通讯、人物、传记、随笔、游记与诗歌等文学作品。例如《世界名著鉴赏大辞典诗歌与散文卷》;《汽车大王福特》;《挑战与机会》;《世界史简明辞典》;《超越客观主义和相对主义》;《四世同堂电视系列片英文字母》;《个人理财》;《新华社记者看世界》和《世界华人企业家传略》等。论文包括《威尔斯与他的时间机器》与《中外新闻特稿写作比较》。近年开始在US CHINA REVIEW (美中评论),人民日报海外版、美国侨报和贵州日报等媒体发表文章和诗歌。作品入选《法拉盛诗歌节作品集》、《北美中文作家2018作品选》以及《纽约不眨眼睛》等集。

Frank Zhao, a permanent member of the American Association of Chinese Writers, is good at both Chinese and English writing in various styles such as feature story, profile, reportage, or documentary style writing, biographical sketch, essay and travel note. Zhao has begun to publish poems and essays in the last few year, some of them being published at US China Review, People’s Daily Overseas Edition, The China Press, Guizhou Daily and others. Some of them have been included into the Collection of Flushing Poetry Festival Works”, “Selected Works of American Association of the Chinese Writers 2018” and “New York's Don't Blink”.

Zhao, a senior media professional and columnist, has published or co-published and co-translated many books, which include but not limited to Challenges and Opportunities, Concise World History Dictionary, Ford: The Men and the Machine, Master Plots, Personal Finance, the World in the Eyes of Xinhua Reporters, Four Generation under the Same Roof English Subtitle, Beyond Objectivism and Relativism and World Famous Chinese People:  the Entrepreneurs.

Zhao,  with a Master degree in journalism and mass communication, was a member in Foreign Literature Association, Translators’ Association and Foreign Language Studies Society in Guizhou Province.

